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Martínez, S. G. (2023). Enseñar a transgredir: Metal feminista, a través de la investigación-acción participativa, como herramienta artística de liberación y pedagógica en el aula (R. L. UniveVallecillos, & N. Varas-Díaz, Eds.). Doctoral thesis, Universidad de Granada, Escuela de Doctorado de Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Programas de Escuela de Doctorado de Humanidades., Granada, Andalusia, Spain. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from
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Pichler, P. (Ed.). (2024). The Law of the Metal Scene: An Interdisciplinary Discussion. Meta/Metal (Volume 2). Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany: Kohlhammer Verlag.
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Pichler, P., Béra, C. F., Dawes, L., Efthymiou, C., Höpflinger, A. - K., Scheller, J., et al. (Eds.). (2024). Meta/Metal: Open Questions in Metal Studies. Meta/Metal (Volume 1). Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany: Kohlhammer Verlag.
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Pichler, P. (2024). Breaking the Law? Recht, Moral und Klang in der steirischen Heavy Metal-Szene seit 1980. Meta/Metal (Volume 3). Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany: Kohlhammer Verlag.
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Trummer, M. (2024). Highway to Hell: Das Satanische im Heavy Metal. MetalBook (Volume 3). Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany: Kohlhammer Verlag. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from
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  This literature database is maintained by the International Society for Metal Music Studies (ISMMS) and kept up-to-date by Amaranta Saguar García & Brian Arnold Hickam. Amaranta and Brian wish to thank the following contributors for suggesting numerous citations and sources: Dela Núñez & Miroslav Vrzal. You're welcome to send any questions or suggestions to our feedback address. The database is powered by refbase, an open source database front-end for managing scientific literature & citations. powered by refbase