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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Banchs, Edward From The Ashes of the Fallen Empire: Heavy Metal and Community in Post-Apartheid South Africa 2021 Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World details   openurl
Bardine, Bryan A.; Hale, Jacob Old and New: Cross-Generational Community in the Dayton Metal Scene 2021 Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World details   openurl
Granado, Rui Luiz Ferreira; Valente, Heloisa de Aaujo Duarte From the Sound of the Lathes to the Noise of the Amplifiers: The Heavy Metal and the Music Scene in the ABC Region of Brazil (1980-1990) 2021 Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World details   openurl
Guibert, Gérome; Turbé, Sophie La Belle Endormie Awakened by Hellfest Open Air?: A Study of the Nantes Heavy Metal Music Scene 2021 Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World details   openurl
Hecter, Pierre; Mattsson, Douglas The Enemy Within: Conceptualizing Turkish Metalheads as the Ideological “Other” 2021 Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World details   openurl
Hoad, Catherine Polar Fate: Mapping Metal at the Southern Edge of the World 2021 Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World details   openurl
Karjalainen, Toni-Matti Heavy Metal in Estonia: Cohesions and Divisions, Past and Present 2021 Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World details   openurl
Kennedy, Lewis “This Is the City of Hate”: Surveying the Hull Metal/Hardcore Scene 2021 Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World details   openurl
Lind, Tore' Tvarno Heart of Sadness: Fieldwork in the Copenhagen Black Metal Undergrounds 2021 Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World details   openurl
Pichler, Peter Living Sonic Knowledge in South-Eastern Austria: The Sound History of the Metal Scene in Graz and Styria, c. 1980 to the Present 2021 Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World details   openurl
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