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Friesen, B. K., & Epstein, J. S. (1994). Rock ’n’ roll ain’t noise pollution: Artistic conventions and tensions in the major subgenres of heavy metal music. Popular Music and Society; Bowling Green, 18(3), 1.
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Walser, R. (1992). Eruptions: Heavy metal appropriations of classical virtuosity. Popular Music; Cambridge, 11(3), 263.
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Phillipov, M. (2012). Death Metal and Music Criticism: Analysis at the Limits. Lenham, Boulkder, New York, Toronto & Plymouth: Lexington Books.
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García-Peinazo, D. (2019). Flamenco Metal, mundos de género y transfonografía. In F. Galicia Poblet (Ed.), Heavy y metal, a través del cristal. Nuevas perspectivas culturales (pp. 133–154). Madrid: Apache Libros.
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Salueña, E. G. (2019). Perfect symmetry: lo «técnico» y lo «progresivo» como paradigmas en la intelectualización del metal. In F. Galicia Poblet (Ed.), Heavy y metal, a través del cristal. Nuevas perspectivas culturales (pp. 111–132). Madrid: Apache Libros.
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St-Laurent, M. - R. (2013). Quand Le Metal Flirte Avec Abba: Analyse Des Transformations Formelles Et Thématiques De « Summer Night City”. Intersections: Canadian Journal of Music, 34(1/2), 135–151,232.
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St-Laurent, M. - R. (2019). ‘Ancien folklore québécois’: An analysis of the phonographic and identity-based narrative of the métal noir québécois community. Metal Music Studies, 5(3), 379–399.
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Lilja, E. (2019). Harmonic function and modality in classic heavy metal 1. Metal Music Studies, 5(3), 355–378.
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Gamble, S. (2019). Breaking down the breakdown in twenty-first-century metal. Metal Music Studies, 5(3), 337–354.
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Ribaldini, P. (2019). Terminology issues with the poïetic aspect of vocals in heavy metal studies: A suggestion for a multidisciplinary approach. Metal Music Studies, 5(3), 315–335.
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