Varas-Díaz, N., Araújo, D. N., & Miranda, D. L. (2024). A Darkened Caribbean: Metal Music’s Imagery as Decolonial Truth-Telling. In D. Castillo, & B. Nelson (Eds.), HIOL: Hispanic Issues On Line (Vol. 32, 102–26). HIOL: Hispanic Issues On Line, 32. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota, College of Liberal Arts.
Abstract: “Hispanic Issues On Line (HIOL) is a refereed, open-access scholarly electronic series founded in 2006 and devoted to the study of Hispanic and Lusophone cultures. HIOL is stored at the University of Minnesota's Digital Conservancy as well as the LOCKSS system, which ensures preservation at worldwide research libraries.”
Source: https://cla.umn.edu/hispanic-issues/online-volumes