Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Billerbeck, Liane von; Nordhausen, Frank |
Satanskinder: der Mordfall Sandro B |
1997 |
Coggins, Owen |
Nationalist Black Metal, Black Metal Nation |
2014 |
Writing Difference: Literature, Identity and Nationalism |
460-481 |
Dornbusch, Christian; Killguss, Hans-Peter |
Unheilige Allianzen: Black Metal zwischen Satanismus, Heidentum und Neonazismus |
2005 |
Hedge Olson, Benjamin |
Burzum shirts, paramilitarism and National Socialist Black Metal in the twenty-first century |
2021 |
Metal Music Studies |
7 |
27-42 |
Langebach, Martin; Schulze, Christoph |
Affirmation and denial: Extreme right black metal and the Holocaust |
2020 |
Metal Music Studies |
6 |
375-393 |
Lohmann, Johannes; Wanders, Hans |
Evolas Jünger und Odins Krieger. Extrem rechte Ideologien in der Dark-Wave- und Black-Metal-Szene |
2002 |
RechtsRock. Bestandsaufnahme und Gegenstrategien. |
287-307 |
Maspero, Davide; Ribaric, Max |
Come lupi tra le pecore: storia e ideologia del black metal nazionalsocialista |
2013 |
Ndoja, Davjola |
German National Socialist Black Metal: Contemporary Neo–Nazism and the Ongoing Struggle with Antisemitism |
2019 |
“Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Socio-economic and Political Consequences 30 Years After |
Olson, Benjamin Hedge |
Voice of our blood National Socialist discourses in black metal |
2013 |
Heavy metal: controversies and countercultures |
136-151 |
Penke, Niels |
Töten für Wotan. Zur radikalisierten Mythenrezeption im National Socialist Black Metal |
2016 |
Zwischen Germanomanie und Antisemitismus: Transformationen altnordischer Mythologie in den Metal-Subkulturen |
83-120 |