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Agapit, Pierre; Mounier, Caroline Réussir ? se démarquer au sein d’un secteur concurrentiel : l’expérience festivalière au service des festivals. Le cas du Motocultor Festival Open Air 2020 French metal studied: Approches différenciées des acteurs et des publics 135-162 details   isbn
Alasia, Ezequiel The Reason Behind My Writing: Another Day of Being 2020 Heavy Metal Music In Argentina: in black we are seen. 72-83 details   isbn
Anselmi, J.J. Doomed to fail: the incredibly loud history of doom, sludge, and post-metal 2020 details   isbn
Bajko, Marcin Literatura piękna w tekstach utworów artystów polskiej sceny metalowej [Fiction in the texts of works by artists of the Polish metal scene] 2020 Artyści i sceny metalowej (kontr)kultury [Artists and the metal (counter) culture scene] 9-28 details   openurl
Benefield, Adam J. Working with Metal: The Stylistic Characteristics of the Swedish Band Meshuggah and an Original Composition Inspired by Their Work 2020 details   url
Bernal, Manuel; Caballero, Manuel Walkabout, Just Walking about for the Sake of Walking: The Journey as an Ethos in the Poetics of Ricardo Iorio 2020 Heavy Metal Music In Argentina: in black we are seen. 46-57 details   isbn
Beya, Sara Six feet three of Cheekbones, vanity and attitude: A discourse analysis of the construction of gender in the performance of metal music 2020 details   url
Bohn, Dorothee; Bernardi, Cecilia de Celebrating 30 years louder than hell: exploring commercial and social “Host Event Zone” developments of the heavy metal festival Wacken Open Air 2020 Annals of Leisure Research (accepted) details   doi
Burns, Lori Intersections of Gender, Race, and Genre: Cammie Gilbert and Black Female Subjectivity in Metal Music 2020 American Music Perspectives 1 98-118 details   doi
Burns, Lori Unsettling Masculinity: Illness Narrative in Pain of Salvation’s “In the Passing Light of Day” (2017) 2020 Popular Musicology and Identity: Essays in Honour of Stan Hawkins 196–217 details   openurl
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