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Coulombe, A. P. (2018). Burakku Metaru: Japanese Black Metal Music and the 'Glocalization' of a Transgressive Sub-culture. Master's thesis, University of Arizona, Ann Arbor.
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Hill, R. L. (2013). Representations and Experiences of Women Hard Rock and Metal Fans in the Imaginary Community. Ph.D. thesis, University of York, York, England.
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Martínez, S. G., & Varas-Díaz, N. (2021). Heavy metal music as communal intervention: Experiences and challenges in the context of the metal-academia dyad in Jaén, Spain. Metal Music Studies, 7(1), 7–26.
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Messick, K. J. (2024). The Psychology of Metal Music, Culture, and Dis/ability. In K. Kahn-Harris, & J. H. Shadrack (Eds.), Heavy Metal and Disability. Crips, Crowds, and Cacophonies (pp. 66–79). Bristol: Intellect.
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Möller, L. “Loads of love to all the Roadburn family”. Gemeinschaftsbildung auf einem virtuellen Festival während der Covid-19-Pandemie. In A. Görgen, T. Eichinger, & E. Pfister (Eds.), Superspreader – Popkultur und mediale Diskurse im Angesicht der Pandemie (pp. 277–290). Bielefeld: Transcript.
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Pelayo, M. P. (2021). Building “communitas” through symbolic performances: Mexican metal and the case of Cemican. Metal Music Studies, 7(1), 139–148.
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Schall, C. (2012). Cultiver l’« être-ensemble », même dans son salon : une approche communicationnelle des DVD de metal. Societes, 117, 87–99.
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