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Addergebroed. (2021). Addergebroed Book I: 2011 – 2021 and Beyond. Zwijndrecht, Belgium: Babylon Doom Cult Records.
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Addergebroed. (2024). Addergebroed Book II: 2021 – 2024. Zwijndrecht, Belgium: Addergebroed; Consouling Sounds; Amor fati Productions.
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Baulch, E. (2003). Gesturing elsewhere: The identity politics of the Balinese death/thrash metal scene. Popular Music; Cambridge, 22(2), 195–215.
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Berger, H. M. (1999). Death metal tonality and the act of listening. Popular Music, 18(2), 161–178.
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Berger, H. M. (2006). ”Aspects du death metal”. Affect, objet et vécu social de la musique. Volume! La revue des musiques populaires, 5(2), 31–51.
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Bogue, R. (2004). Violence in Three Shades of Metal : Death, Doom and Black. In I. Buchanan, & M. Swiboda (Eds.), Deleuze and Music (pp. 95–117). Ediinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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Cardwell, T. (2017). Still life and death metal: painting the battle jacket. Ph.D. thesis, University of the Arts London (United Kingdom), Ann Arbor.
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Chaker, S. (2004). Black Metal und Death Metal. Eine empirische Untersuchung zu Religion, Gewalt und politischer Orientierung. Ph.D. thesis, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg.
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Chaker, S. (2006). ”This means war”. Krieg – Zentrales Inhaltsmonument in Black und Death Metal. In D. der S. der Musikwissenschaft, A. Firme, & R. Hocker (Eds.), Von Schlachthymnen und Protestsongs: zur Kulturgeschichte des Verhältnisses von Musik und Krieg (pp. 229–240). Bielefeld: Transcript.
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Chaker, S. (2007). ”Eiserne Ladies”: Frauen(-Bilder) im Black und Death Metal. In G. Rohmann (Ed.), Krasse Töchter Mädchen in Jugendkulturen (pp. 123–144). Berlin: Archiv der Jugendkulturen.
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