Addergebroed. (2021). Addergebroed Book I: 2011 – 2021 and Beyond. Zwijndrecht, Belgium: Babylon Doom Cult Records.
Abstract: Addergebroed is an independent Belgian blog on heavy music. To commemorate its 10th birthday in 2021, Babylon Doom Cult Records will publish a 192-page book with a selection of 37 interviews. All interviews have been professionally translated to English. All bands featured in the book:
Acathexis — Afsky — Akhlys — Äkth Gánahëth — Alkerdeel — Asagraum — Beltez — Bezwering — Bütcher — Deus Mortem — Dikasterion — Djevel — Duivel — Elijah Tamu — Entartung — Enthroned — Forbidden Temple — Ish Kerioth — Israthoum — Macabre Omen — Malakhim — Meslamtaea — Michael Rekevics — Misþyrming — Nexion — O — Ossaert — Paragon Impure — Rituals Of The Dead Hand — Sabathan — Tsatthoggua — Ultha — Vaal — Valkyrja — Vital Spirit — Wolvennest — Worsen
Addergebroed. (2024). Addergebroed Book II: 2021 – 2024. Zwijndrecht, Belgium: Addergebroed; Consouling Sounds; Amor fati Productions.
Abstract: << Addergebroed’s second book features more than 25 exclusive and in-depth interviews in English with artists like Aerdryk & Oerheks – Alex Poole – Askeregn – Beyond Man – Bloodthorn – Circle of Ouroborus – Erzfeynd – Eternity – Faceless Entity – Gärgäntuäh & Udegste – Haunted by Ill Angels – Helleruin – Krieg – Krvna – Lamp of Murmuur – Lord Valtgryftåke – Mactätus – Marthyrium – Mons Veneris – Nartvind – Naxen – Qrixkuor – Svartsyn – Troll – Vemod – Ymir
Publication in conspiracy with Consouling Sounds & Amor fati Productions.
Design & lay-out by Luchtrat.
Release date: 14th of October 2024 >>
Baulch, E. (2003). Gesturing elsewhere: The identity politics of the Balinese death/thrash metal scene. Popular Music; Cambridge, 22(2), 195–215.
Berger, H. M. (1999). Death metal tonality and the act of listening. Popular Music, 18(2), 161–178.
Berger, H. M. (2006). ”Aspects du death metal”. Affect, objet et vécu social de la musique. Volume! La revue des musiques populaires, 5(2), 31–51.
Bogue, R. (2004). Violence in Three Shades of Metal : Death, Doom and Black. In I. Buchanan, & M. Swiboda (Eds.), Deleuze and Music (pp. 95–117). Ediinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Cardwell, T. (2017). Still life and death metal: painting the battle jacket. Ph.D. thesis, University of the Arts London (United Kingdom), Ann Arbor.
Abstract: This thesis aims to conduct a study of battle jackets using painting as a recording and analytical tool. A battle jacket is a customised garment worn in heavy metal subcultures that features decorative patches, band insignia, studs and other embellishments. Battle jackets are significant in the expression of subcultural identity for those that wear them, and constitute a global phenomenon dating back at least to the 1970s. The art practice juxtaposes and re-contextualises cultural artefacts in order to explore the narratives and traditions that they are a part of. As such, the work is situated within the genre of contemporary still life and appropriative painting. The paintings presented with the written thesis document a series of jackets and creatively explore the jacket form and related imagery. The study uses a number of interrelated critical perspectives to explore the meaning and significance of the jackets. Intertextual approaches explore the relationship of the jackets to other cultural forms.
David Muggleton’s ‘distinctive individuality’ and Sarah Thornton’s ‘subcultural capital’ are used to emphasise the importance of jacket making practices for expressions of personal and corporate subcultural identity. Italo Calvino’s use of postmodern semiotic structures gives a tool for placing battle jacket practice within a shifting network of meanings, whilst Richard Sennett’s‘material consciousness’ helps to understand the importance of DIY making practices used by fans. The project refers extensively to a series of interviews conducted with battle jacket makers between 2014 and 2016. Recent art historical studies of still life painting have used a materialist critique of historic works to demonstrate the uniqueness of painting as a method of analysis. The context for my practice involves historical references such as seventeenth century Dutch still life painting. The work of contemporary artists who are exploring the themes and imagery of extreme metal music is also reviewed.
Chaker, S. (2004). Black Metal und Death Metal. Eine empirische Untersuchung zu Religion, Gewalt und politischer Orientierung. Ph.D. thesis, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg.
Chaker, S. (2006). ”This means war”. Krieg – Zentrales Inhaltsmonument in Black und Death Metal. In D. der S. der Musikwissenschaft, A. Firme, & R. Hocker (Eds.), Von Schlachthymnen und Protestsongs: zur Kulturgeschichte des Verhältnisses von Musik und Krieg (pp. 229–240). Bielefeld: Transcript.
Chaker, S. (2007). ”Eiserne Ladies”: Frauen(-Bilder) im Black und Death Metal. In G. Rohmann (Ed.), Krasse Töchter Mädchen in Jugendkulturen (pp. 123–144). Berlin: Archiv der Jugendkulturen.