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Anselmi, J. J. (2020). Doomed to fail: the incredibly loud history of doom, sludge, and post-metal. Los Angeles: Rare Bird Books.
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Bogue, R. (2004). Violence in Three Shades of Metal : Death, Doom and Black. In I. Buchanan, & M. Swiboda (Eds.), Deleuze and Music (pp. 95–117). Ediinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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Bremer, M., & Cohnitz, D. (2012). Saint Vitus Dance: The Art of Doom. In W. Irwin (Ed.), Black Sabbath and Philosophy: Mastering Reality (pp. 87–95). West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons.
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Burke, D. (2016). Esoteric Symbolism in Doom Metal. Bachelor's thesis, University of Southampton, Southampton.
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Coggins, O. (2018). Evil I? Witchfinders and the magical power of ambiguity at stake in doom metal. Metal Music Studies, 4(2), 309–328.
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Hagen, R. (2020). A Gothic Romance: Neomedieval Echoes of Fin’amor in Gothic and Doom Metal. In S. C. Meyer, & K. Yri (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Music and Medievalism (pp. 546–563). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Hannan, C. (2021). Ghostly longing: Tonality as grieving in Bell Witch’s “Mirror Reaper”. Metal Music Studies, 7(2), 277–297.
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Hurley, G. F. (2022). Funeral doom metal as the rhetoric of contemplation: A Burkean perspective. Metal Music Studies, 8(1), 69–85.
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Kitteringham, S. (2014). Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses: The Treatment of Women in Black Metal, Death Metal, Doom Metal, and Grindcore. Ph.D. thesis, University of Calgaru, Calgary.
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Mendelyte, A. (2017). The Still, Sad Music of Humanity in Doom Metals Romanticizing Machine. Criticism, 59(3), 469–489.
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