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Bleile, M. L., Luedeker, B., & Patterson, C. B. (2022). A Bayesian analysis of national heavy metal subgenre prevalence in northern Europe and the West. Metal Music Studies, 8(3), 327–350.
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dos Passos, C. (2022). O metal extremo e a questão dos gêneros: a zona cinza e o princípio de contaminação. In C. Bahy, C. dos Passos, L. M. G. Khalia, & R. Barchi (Eds.), Música Extrema: ruídos, imagens e sentidos (pp. 111–134). São Paulo: Pimenta Cultural.
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Fredriksson, D. (2021). “Not Folk Metal, but...” Online intercultural musicking in “the Grove”. Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning [Swedish Journal of Music Research], 103, 111–126.
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Howells, T. (Ed.). (2012). Black Metal: Beyond the Darkness. Black Dog Publishing.
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Patterson, D. (2013). Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult. Venice (CA): Feral House.
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Sabbath, J. (2021). Bienvenidos al Sabbath: Crónicas, Reseñas y Reflexiones en Torno a la Vigencia del Underground, 2001–2021. Sogamoso, Boyacá, Republic of Colombia: Nixx Editores.
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