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Calandra, N. (2016). Metal health: Measuring depression and anxiety within the heavy metal community. Master's thesis, Long Island University, The Brooklyn Center., Ann Arbor.
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Carey, J. (2023). Pure fucking art: Self-harm and performance art in Per ‘Dead’ Ohlin’s musical legacy. Metal Music Studies, 9(1), 101–118.
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Coggins, O. (2019). Imaginaries of spirituality, violence and health impacts in metal music: A critical history and case study. Approaches: A Journal of Music Therapy, 11(1), 134–149.
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Fridh, S. (2011). Lord Satan’s Secret Rites and Satanism as Self-Therapy: The Creation of a Masculinity Gender Identity within Black Metal. In C. A. McKinnon, N. Scott, & K. Sollee (Eds.), Can I play with madness? Metal, dissonance, madness and alienation (pp. 177–184). Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
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Polzer, E. (2017). Mosh Pits and Mental Health: Metal Communities and Emerging Adults' Well-Being. Master's thesis, Colorado State University, Ann Arbor.
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