Anderton, C., & Burns, L. (2025). Introduction: Reflections on The Literary Imagination in Progressive Rock and Metal. In The Routledge Handbook of Progressive Rock, Metal, and the Literary Imagination (Introduction). Routledge Music Handbooks. Oxfordshire, England: Routledge.
Abstract: << This an outstanding collection of chapters that explore the intersections between progressive rock, metal and the literary imagination. Each contribution here is a must-read and the editors have done an incredible job framing the
Karl Spracklen, PhD, AcSS
Leeds Beckett University, Portland >>
"This Handbook illustrates the many ways that progressive rock and metal music forge striking engagements with literary texts and themes.
The authors and their objects of analytic inquiry offer global and diverse perspectives on these genres and their literary connections: from ancient times to the modern world, from children’s literature to epic poetry, from mythology to science fiction, and from esoteric fantasy to harsh political criticism.
The musical treatments of these literary materials span the continents from South and North America through Europe and Asia. The collection presents critical perspectives on the enduring and complex relationships between words and music as these are expressed in progressive rock and metal.
The book is aimed primarily at an academic market, valuable for second through final year students on undergraduate courses devoted to both popular music and to literary studies, and to postgraduate programs and researchers in a range of fields, including: popular music studies, musicology, creative music performance and composition, songwriting, literary studies, narrative studies, folklore studies, science fiction studies, cultural studies, liberal studies, and sociology, and for media and history courses that have an interest in the intersection of narratives, music and society."
Source for both: https://www.routledge.com
Baez, C. Metal Andino Guitarras, Bajo y Batería en los Andes (Proyecto documental). Cordillera de los Andes: Financiado por el Centro de Estudios Interculturales e Indígenas (CIIR) y producido por el Laboratorio de Antropología Visual (LAV UC). Retrieved March 14, 2025, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpj_CRYTGTk
Abstract: Proyecto documental dirigido por Christian Baez que indaga en los cruces sonoros entre el heavy metal y la música andina. Financiado por el Centro de Estudios Interculturales e Indígenas (CIIR) y producido por el Laboratorio de Antropología Visual (LAV UC).
Baltazar, L. M. F. (2013). Are Heavy Metal Music Bands-Musicians, Managers of Their Own Music Business?: A Multiple Case Study: Portuguese vs. Finnish Bands (Anabela Dinis, Ed.). Doctoral thesis, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.
Abstract: "The Music Industry is a very complex world that embraces different and broad segments needing of academic exploration. The big majority of studies and/or academic approaches to this unique business world have been focusing greatly on the record labels side but have failed to address the role of those who make the music – the musicians/artists. This is exactly what the present study aimed to understand: What is the role of the musicians in the music business? Aren’t they one of the key elements, essential players, within the whole industry, if not the most important elements ever?
The industry of music includes a large number of creative and wise musicians/bands behind one of the most discriminated music genres in the music history – Heavy Metal Music. However, diverse studies have demonstrated that Heavy Metal is recognized as a music genre that generates profit, with an increasing legion of fans all over the world hence, also considered popular music. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand how Heavy Metal Music bands and musicians succeed and how they manage to conciliate artistic creativity and commercial demands. By making a multiple case study analysis within two different settings – Portugal versus Finland – it will be shown that Heavy Metal bands / musicians possess business skills that allow them to manage and conduct both the artistic and business activities of their music business. In some of the cases, it will also be raised their entrepreneurial skills in innovating and finding new ways of reaching the audience and becoming more successful whilst doing what they love the most – making music and playing it live."
(Source: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing)
Ciências Sociais e Humanas (Social Sciences and Humanities).
Biamonte, N., & Cain, J. (2025). The Tool Album as Gesamtkunstwerk. In C. Anderton, & L. Burns (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Progressive Rock, Metal, and the Literary Imagination (Chapter 35). Routledge Music Handbooks. Oxfordshire, England: Routledge.
Abstract: << This an outstanding collection of chapters that explore the intersections between progressive rock, metal and the literary imagination. Each contribution here is a must-read and the editors have done an incredible job framing the
Karl Spracklen, PhD, AcSS
Leeds Beckett University, Portland >>
"This Handbook illustrates the many ways that progressive rock and metal music forge striking engagements with literary texts and themes.
The authors and their objects of analytic inquiry offer global and diverse perspectives on these genres and their literary connections: from ancient times to the modern world, from children’s literature to epic poetry, from mythology to science fiction, and from esoteric fantasy to harsh political criticism.
The musical treatments of these literary materials span the continents from South and North America through Europe and Asia. The collection presents critical perspectives on the enduring and complex relationships between words and music as these are expressed in progressive rock and metal.
The book is aimed primarily at an academic market, valuable for second through final year students on undergraduate courses devoted to both popular music and to literary studies, and to postgraduate programs and researchers in a range of fields, including: popular music studies, musicology, creative music performance and composition, songwriting, literary studies, narrative studies, folklore studies, science fiction studies, cultural studies, liberal studies, and sociology, and for media and history courses that have an interest in the intersection of narratives, music and society."
Source for both: https://www.routledge.com
Burns, L. (2025). Kamelot’s Adaptation of Goethe’s Faust: Tragic Subjectivities in Power Metal. In C. Anderton, & L. Burns (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Progressive Rock, Metal, and the Literary Imagination (Chapter 14). Routledge Music Handbooks. Oxfordshire, England: Routledge.
Abstract: << This an outstanding collection of chapters that explore the intersections between progressive rock, metal and the literary imagination. Each contribution here is a must-read and the editors have done an incredible job framing the
Karl Spracklen, PhD, AcSS
Leeds Beckett University, Portland >>
"This Handbook illustrates the many ways that progressive rock and metal music forge striking engagements with literary texts and themes.
The authors and their objects of analytic inquiry offer global and diverse perspectives on these genres and their literary connections: from ancient times to the modern world, from children’s literature to epic poetry, from mythology to science fiction, and from esoteric fantasy to harsh political criticism.
The musical treatments of these literary materials span the continents from South and North America through Europe and Asia. The collection presents critical perspectives on the enduring and complex relationships between words and music as these are expressed in progressive rock and metal.
The book is aimed primarily at an academic market, valuable for second through final year students on undergraduate courses devoted to both popular music and to literary studies, and to postgraduate programs and researchers in a range of fields, including: popular music studies, musicology, creative music performance and composition, songwriting, literary studies, narrative studies, folklore studies, science fiction studies, cultural studies, liberal studies, and sociology, and for media and history courses that have an interest in the intersection of narratives, music and society."
Source for both: https://www.routledge.com
Busey, S. D. (2018). Parental Advisory-Explicit Content: The Parents Music Resource Center, Conservative Music Censorship, and the Protection of Children. Ann Arbor: University of Nevada.
Abstract: Historians have long overlooked and misunderstood the Parents Music Resource Center, an activist group formed in 1985 to correct perceived excesses in heavy metal music. Scholars have focused their analyses almost exclusively on the First Amendment implications of the group’s actions, largely dismissing the PMRC in the process. This thesis argues that by expanding the historical analysis of the group to include the social and political climate of previous generations and of the 1980s, the self-stated goals of the PMRC, and a musicological discussion of heavy metal and why the group specifically targeted this genre, we can see that the PMRC was in fact an incredibly influential sociopolitical activist group that is representative of the political shift in the United States in the 1980s.
Calandra, N. (2016). Metal health: Measuring depression and anxiety within the heavy metal community. Master's thesis, Long Island University, The Brooklyn Center., Ann Arbor.
Abstract: Heavy metal has a long and controversial history. One of the many things it has been blamed for is causing mental illness among its listeners. However, is the music to be blamed or are there other factors coming into play? Numerous studies have been done on various aspects of heavy metal such as its link to violence, but few have been done on mental health within the community. This paper replicated a French study examining levels of depression and anxiety within the community. Forty three participants, all active metal listeners, completed a survey examining various factors such as employment status and education levels, and completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Like the French study, it found that participants had generally low levels of depression and anxiety, but high levels were linked to outside factors. Hopefully, this will help open the floor for more valuable research on the community.
Callaway, C. (2016). I See The Horse. Master's thesis, University of Central Oklahoma, Ann Arbor.
Abstract: I See the Horse is a fantasy novel that follows the adventures of Komar Voorhexees of Port Karpricius during a time of civil war within The Ten Kingdoms of the Enlibar Empire. The primary focus or super objective of the novel centers on the pursuit of a religious artifact, The Tear of Vashanka, and the delivery of documents important to the war cause.
The novel follows story telling lessons from Twain, Vonnegut, Robert Mckee, and Orson Scott Card. The novel also mixes elements from canonical masters such as Homer, Shakespeare, and Joyce with genre-champions such as J.R.R. Tolkien, R.E. Howard, and G.R.R. Martin, as well as components of heavy metal music. The result lies squarely between the subgenres of Sword and Sorcery and High (Epic) Fantasy. The first six chapters fit into the Sword and Sorcery category; whereas, the second dives into Epic Fantasy as the protagonist slowly becomes part of the bigger milieu.
The novel was created to have an original, gritty, realistic world with an American feel and flavor and a fantasy city drenched in the culture of the American South. To create a fantasy novel with an American feel was the projects initial purpose and drive. This is accomplished by drawing heavily upon the author’s life and experience.
Calvo, M. B., García Castiblanco, N., Núñez, M. de la L., Padilla, L. M., Pascuchelli, M. N., Ruiz, V., et al. (2022). Consonancias del cuidado. Hacia un protocolo contra las violencias por motivos de género en las experiencias del metal. Trans: Revista Transcultural de Música, 26, 1–16.
Abstract: El objetivo de este artículo es narrar la experiencia de construcción de un protocolo contra violencias por motivos de género en las prácticas del metal dentro de la región de Nuestra Abya Yala y Nuestra Afroamérica, por parte de la Comisión de Género de la Red de Estudios y Experiencias en y desde el Heavy Metal (REEHM). Para ello se dará cuenta de las diferentes etapas que componen este proceso, las cuales van desde las necesidades iniciales surgidas a partir de diversos ataques de violencia epistémica hacia integrantes de la REEHM, hasta la elaboración colectiva mediante métodos colaborativos. Esto implica la lectura, la reflexión y la escucha cuidada y grupal en la Primera Ronda de Brujxs. Hacia el final se comentan algunas conclusiones y proyecciones futuras vinculadas al metal y las problemáticas de género.
[The aim of this article is to recount the experience of building a protocol against gender-based violence (GBV) within metal music practices in the region of Nuestra Afroamerica, by the Gender Commission of the Heavy Metal Studies and Experiences Network (REEHM). The different stages that make up this process will be described, ranging from the initial needs arising from various attacks of epistemic violence against REEHM members, to the collective elaboration through collaborative methods. This involves group reading, reflection, and careful listening in the Primera Ronda de Brujxs (First Circle of Witches). Towards the end some conclusions and future projections related to metal and gender issues are discussed.]
Carew, F. (2018). The Guitar Voice of Randy Rhoads. Master's thesis, Wayne State University, Ann Arbor.
Abstract: Randy Rhoads was an influential rock guitarist whose synthesis of musical influences had an impact on heavy metal. He developed a classically influenced guitar style that inspired new developments in the guitar’s virtuosic technique and harmonic and melodic language. The sound of heavy metal can be traced directly to his guitar style. Yet no definitive studies have been conducted on his guitar voice, synthesis of musical influences, or contribution to heavy metal music. This thesis is the first study to define the musical influences that make up Rhoads’s innovative guitar voice and playing style. It examines his early childhood, formal training, and influences, honing his skills in Quiet Riot, mastering his skills on Blizzard of Ozz , and mastering his skills on Diary of a Madman . It provides a look at his guitar voice through his adaptation, synthesis, and implementation of musical influences by conducting a detailed musical analysis of the formal, harmonic, rhythmic, and melodic aspects of the songs on Blizzard of Ozz and Diary of a Madman.
The examination of his guitar voice and playing style is provided by the following materials: CDs, DVDs, books, scholarly journals, master’s theses and doctoral dissertations, and transcriptions of songs on Blizzard of Ozz and Diary of a Madman. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that Rhoads’s guitar voice and playing style are classically influenced and a synthesis of different musical styles. It advocates that his playing style pushed the hard rock music envelope create a new approach to guitar playing that led to a more refined version of the music. It suggests that Rhoads’s musical approach and mindset in the 1980s: classical-style virtuosity, harmony and melody, and acoustic guitar was important to the development of the heavy metal sound, therefore placing him in the historical annals of popular music.