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Dee, J. (1994). Subliminal lyrics in heavy metal music: More litigation, anyone? Communications and the Law; Westport, 16(3), 3.
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Efthymiou, C. The Laws of Metal and Music Analysis. In P. Pichler (Ed.), The Law of the Metal Scene: An Interdisciplinary Discussion (pp. 69–84). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
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Gremsl, T. (2024). “Law(s) of the Metal Scene” – Not Laws, But Values, Norms, and Principles. In P. Pichler (Ed.), The Law of the Metal Scene: An Interdisciplinary Discussion (pp. 43–54). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
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Hiebaum, C. (2024). Law and Its Cultural Representations (With a Focus on Heavy Metal Studies). In P. Pichler (Ed.), The Law of the Metal Scene: An Interdisciplinary Discussion (pp. 11–28). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
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Höpflinger, A. - K. (2024). In Red Sneakers to a Black Metal Concert? The “Laws” of the Metal Dress Code between Transgression and Convention. In P. Pichler (Ed.), The Law of the Metal Scene: An Interdisciplinary Discussion (pp. 55–68). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
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Kahn-Harris, K. (2024). The Laws of Metal: A Sociological Perspective. In P. Pichler (Ed.), The Law of the Metal Scene: An Interdisciplinary Discussion (pp. 29–42). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
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Pack, C. (2018). Hellbound in El Salvador: Heavy Metal as a Philosophy of Life in Central America. Ph.D. thesis, Johns Hopkins University, Ann Arbor.
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Pichler, P. (2021). „Breaking the Law…!?“ Zur Rolle von Recht und Rechtsbezug in der Kulturgeschichte der steirischen Heavy Metal-Szene seit 1980. Graz Law Working Paper, .
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Pichler, P. (2022). “Breaking the Law...?” On the Role of Law and Legal References in the Cul- tural History of the Heavy Metal Scene in Styria since 1980. Austrian Law Journal, 2, 159–179.
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Pichler, P. (2024). Contours of an Interdisciplinary Debate – a Conclusion. In The Law of the Metal Scene: An Interdisciplinary Discussion (pp. 135–142). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
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