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Baert, S. (2019). Cthulhu metal: H. P. Lovecraft : l’influence du mythe. Paris: Bragelonne.
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Castaños, M. P. (2019). Hidden Rituals, Secret Powers And Everlasting Horrors: The Presence Of Lovecraftian Imaginary in Spanish Recent Extreme Metal / Ritos arcanos, poderes ocultos y horrores intemporales: la presencia del imaginario lovecraftiano en el metal extremo español reciente. Brumal : Revista de Investigación sobre lo Fantástico = Research Journal on the Fantastic; Bellaterra, 7(1), 81–105.
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Clendinning, E. A., & McAuley, K. (2010). The call of Cthulhu: narrativity of the cult in metal. In N. Scott (Ed.), The metal void: first gatherings (pp. 245–256). Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
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Clendinning, E. A., & McAuley, K. (2012). The call of Cthulhu: narrativity of the cult in metal. In N. Scott (Ed.), Reflections in the metal void (pp. 143–154). Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
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Sederholm, C. H. (2016). H. P. Lovecraft, heavy metal, and cosmicism. Rock Music Studies, 3(3), 1–15.
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