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Ayoub, M. L. (2016). O rock progressivo: uma releitura dos mitos nórdicos. Notícias Asgardianas. Boletim do Núcleo de Estudos Vikings e Escandinavos, 11, 106–116.
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Bartosch, R. (Ed.). (2011). Heavy Metal Studies: Lyrics und Intertextualität. Oberhausen: Schmenk.
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Benedik, J. (2008). Gods of thunder: the truths and lies that made heavy metal mythology. Ph.D. thesis, Kent State University, Kent.
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Deichl, F. (2016). Mythencollage und -rezeption in Therions ”Secret ofthe Runes”. In N. Penke, & M. Teichert (Eds.), Zwischen Germanomanie und Antisemitismus: Transformationen altnordischer Mythologie in den Metal-Subkulturen (pp. 159–182). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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Elflein, D. (2009). Somewhere in time : Zum Verhältnis von Alter, Mythos und Geschichte am Beispiel von Heavy Metal-Festivals. Samples: Online-Publikationen des Arbeitskreis Studium Populärer Musik e.V. (ASPM), 8, n.-p.
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Fejes, J. (2017). Strangers of Popular Culture – The Verbal and Pictorial Aesthetics of Mythological Metal Music. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Communicatio, 4, 37–60.
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Fejes, J. (2018). The Reception of Biblical and Mythological Patterns in the Lyrics of Extreme Metal Music. Ph.D. thesis, Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Budapest.
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Hagen, R. (2011). Musical style, ideology, and mythology in Norwegian black metal. In J. Wallach, H. M. Berger, & P. D. Greene (Eds.), Metal rules the globe: heavy metal music around the world (pp. 180–199). Durham: Duke University Press.
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Heesch, F. (2011). Die wilde Jagd als Identitätskonstruktion im Black Metal. In K. Schulz (Ed.), Eddische Götter und Helden. Milieus und Medien ihrer Rezeption (pp. 335–366). Heidelberg: Winter.
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Heesch, F. (2011). Thor im Metal und im Fantasy-Roman: Zur Asgard-Saga von Manowar und Wolfgang Hohlbein. In R. Bartosch (Ed.), Heavy Metal Studies: Lyrics und Intertextualität (pp. 64–88). Oberhausen: Schmenk.
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