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Armao, F. (2021). The Contemporary Myth of the Celts in Ireland: from (Mainstream) Enya to (Underground) Cruachan. Revue française de civilisation britannique, 26(3), s.p.
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Barratt-Peacock, R., & Hagen, R. (Eds.). (2019). Medievalism and Metal Music Studies: Throwing down the gauntlet. London: Emerald.
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Boyarin, S., Saguar García, A., Christensen, A., & Swinford, D. (2019). The Politics and Poetics of Metal’s Medieval Pasts. In R. Barratt-Peacock, & R. Hagen (Eds.), Medievalism and Metal Music Studies: Throwing Down the Gauntlet (pp. 71–80). London: Emerald.
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Calvo, M. (2014). Diálogos que construyen un modo de nacionalismo argentino en el metal pesado argento de Almafuerte. In M. C. Dalmagro, & A. Parfeniuk (Eds.), Tensiones, tránsitos y desplazamientos. Reflexiones desde una perspectiva comparatística (pp. 120–137). Córdoba: Buena Vista Editores.
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Calvo, M. (2021). Ricardo Iorio e e metal argentino: uma genealogia dos seus nacionalismos. Tropos: Comunicação, Sociedade e Cultura, 10(2), s.p.
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Calvo, M. B. (2016). Almafuerte: Metal pesado argento and its construction of Argentinian nationalism. Metal Music Studies, 2(1), 21–38.
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Coggins, O. (2014). Nationalist Black Metal, Black Metal Nation. In G. Ray, J. Sarkar, & A. Bhattacharya (Eds.), Writing Difference: Literature, Identity and Nationalism (pp. 460–481). London: Atlantic.
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Deeks, M. D. (2016). National Identity in Northern and Eastern European Heavy Metal. Ph.D. thesis, University of Leeds, Leeds.
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Dendinger, R. (2015). The way of the sword: Christianity, fascism, and the folk magic of black metal. Helvete: A Journal of Black Metal Theory, 2, 29–38.
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Downing, D. (2012). Defending the Realm: National Identity, Heritage and Nationalism in Black Metal. Ph.D. thesis, Hull College, Hull.
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