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Bajko, M. (2020). Literatura piękna w tekstach utworów artystów polskiej sceny metalowej [Fiction in the texts of works by artists of the Polish metal scene]. In J. Kosek (Ed.), Artyści i sceny metalowej (kontr)kultury [Artists and the metal (counter) culture scene] (pp. 9–28). Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego.
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Kosek, J. (2022). “Acidofilia”: The Work of the Acid Drinkers in the Discursive Landscape of Metal Music Culture. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis: Studia de Cultura, 30, 39–52.
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Piotrowska, A. G. (2020). The phenomenon of Slavic metal. The case of Poland. In B. Milanović, M. Milin, & D. Lajić Mihajlović (Eds.), Музика у постсоцијализму: три деценије касније [Music in Postsocialism: Three Decades in Retrospect] (pp. 309–335). Belgrade: Institute of Musicology SASA.
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