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Anders, M. (2014). Intertextualität in Heavy Metal Songtexten. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
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Bardine, B. A. (2015). Metal and Gothic Literature: Examining the Darker Side of Life (and Death). In T. - M. Karjalainen, & K. Kärki (Eds.), Modern Heavy Metal: Markets, Practices and Cultures (pp. 572–581). Helsinki & Turku: Aalto University & International Institute for Popular Culture.
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Bartosch, R. (2011). Subversiv/Plakativ: (Inter-)Textuelle Dimensionen des Heavy Metal. In R. Bartosch (Ed.), Heavy Metal Studies: Lyrics und Intertextualität (pp. 5–10). Oberhausen: Schmenk.
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Bartosch, R. (Ed.). (2011). Heavy Metal Studies: Lyrics und Intertextualität. Oberhausen: Schmenk.
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Becker, M. (2014). Der Tod und die Gesellschaft: Texte in der Hardrock- und Heavy-Metal-Musik. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
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Bielmann, D. (2011). Sympathie für den Teufel: Deutsche Literatur als Vorlage für Heavy Metal-Lyrics. In R. Bartosch (Ed.), Heavy Metal Studies: Lyrics und Intertextualität (pp. 141–153). Oberhausen: Schmenk.
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Buts, J. (2010). The Thematical and Stylistic Evolution of Heavy Metal Lyrics and Imagery. Ph.D. thesis, Universiteit Gent, Gent.
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Calvo, M. B. (2011). ”Nightfall in Middle Earth”: un disco de Blind Guardian inspirado en “El Silmarillion” de J. R. R. Tolkien. DigiLenguas, 3(10).
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Cheung, O. W. J. (2016). Heavy metal music lyrics: identity construction and social struggle. Ph.D. thesis, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
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Clendinning, E. A., & McAuley, K. (2010). The call of Cthulhu: narrativity of the cult in metal. In N. Scott (Ed.), The metal void: first gatherings (pp. 245–256). Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
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