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Deichl, F. (2016). Mythencollage und -rezeption in Therions ”Secret ofthe Runes”. In N. Penke, & M. Teichert (Eds.), Zwischen Germanomanie und Antisemitismus: Transformationen altnordischer Mythologie in den Metal-Subkulturen (pp. 159–182). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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Granholm, K. (2012). Metal and Magic: The Intricate Relation Between the Metal Band Therion and the Magic Order Dragon Rouge. Handbook of New Religions and Cultural Production, , 553–581.
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Saint-Laurent, M. - R. (2012). Les rapprochements entre la musique metal et la musique classique : le cas de Therion et de Richard Wagner. Societes, 117(3), 129–142.
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