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(2009). Metal Bibeln. Reken: Bible for the Nations.
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(2011). Metal Bibel: Neues Testament mit ausgewählten Psalmen; Bibelübersetzung Neues Leben. Reken: Bible for the Nations.
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(2011). Metal Bible. Reken: Bible for the Nations.
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(2012). Biblia Metalowca. Reken: Bible for the Nations.
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(2012). Metal Bible: el mensaja de dios para mi. Reken: Bible for the Nations.
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(2013). Metal Bibel. Reken: Bible for the Nations.
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(2013). Metal prayer. Reken: Bible for the Nations.
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(2015). Metal Bible: la bible du metalleux. Reken: Bible for the Nations.
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(2015). Metal Biblia. Reken: Bible for the Nations.
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(2015). Metal Bijbel. Reken: Bible for the Nations.
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