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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Apocalyptic unbound: An interpretation of Christian Speed/Thrash Metal Music 2004 Religious Innovation in a Global Age: Essays on the Construction of Spirituality 117-137
Antonieto, Thiago O inventor do peso no heavy metal 2004 Cover Guitarra 120 42-50
Avelar, Idelber De Milton ao metal: política e música em Minas 2004 Artcultura 6 26-37
Bénard, Nicolas De la légende Viking au hard-rock. Les références culturelles du metal nordique 2004 Nordiques 5
Bogue, Ronald Violence in Three Shades of Metal : Death, Doom and Black 2004 Deleuze and Music 95-117
Bogue, Ronald Becoming Metal, Becoming Death 2004 Deleuze’s Wake: Tributes and Tributaries 83-108
Cardoso Filho, Jorge O sentido do Heavy Metal: por uma analise material da música da banda soteropolitana Malefactor 2004
Chaker, Sarah Black Metal und Death Metal. Eine empirische Untersuchung zu Religion, Gewalt und politischer Orientierung 2004
Christie, Ian Höllen-Lärm: die komplette, schonungslose, einzigartige Geschichte des Heavy Metal 2004
Domergue, Benoît La musique extrême: un écho surgi des abîmes : culture barock et gothic flamboyant 2004