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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Metal Bibel 2013
Metal prayer 2013
Allett, Nicola The extreme metal ‘connoisseur’ 2013 Heavy metal: controversies and countercultures 166-181
Andrada, Lúcia ”We who are not as others”: Análise das noções de violência no mosh a partir do heavy metal 2013
Baltazar, Lídia Maria Ferrão Are Heavy Metal Music Bands-Musicians, Managers of Their Own Music Business?: A Multiple Case Study: Portuguese vs. Finnish Bands 2013 216
Barron, Lee Dworkin’s nightmare: Porngrind as the sound of feminist fears 2013 Heavy metal: controversies and countercultures 66-82
Bénard-Goutouly, Nadège Le métal folklorique, entre tradition et modernité: sources d’inspiration, rites et postures idéologiques 2013
Bianciotto, Jordi Deep Purple: la saga 2013
Botts Powell, Gary Heavy metal humor: Considering Carnival in heavy metal culture 2013
Brown, Andy R., Titus Suicide solutions? Or, how the emo class of 2008 were able to contest their media demonization, whereas the headbangers, burnouts or ‘children of ZoSo’ generation were not 2013 Heavy metal: controversies and countercultures 17-35