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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Alvsvåg, Martin Satan-rock? : destruktive element i tungrocken med særlig vekt på satanisme 1993 details   openurl
Arnett, Jeffrey Three profiles of heavy metal fans: A taste for sensation and a subculture of alienation 1993 Qualitative Sociology 16 423-443 details   doi
Binder, Amy Constructing racial rhetoric: Media depictions of harm in heavy metal and rap music 1993 American Sociological Review; Washington 58 753-767 details   openurl
Bonet, Magda Guia del rock duro 1993 details   isbn
Cossart, Axel von Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Punk: Evolution und Trend Bands 1993 details   isbn
Crocker, Chris Metallica: the frayed ends of metal 1993 details   isbn
Crocker, Chris Metallica: de angstaanjagende kanten van de metal 1993 details   isbn
Crocker, Chris Metallica, nothing else matters: die Heavy-Metal-Titannen der 90er 1993 details   isbn
Gencarelli, Thomas Frank Reading ”heavy metal” music: an interpretive communities approach to popular music as communication 1993 details   openurl
Hale, Mark HeadBangers: The Worldwide Megabook of Heavy Metal Bands 1993 details   isbn
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