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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
”Marche ou Crève”: The Band Trust and the Singular Case of the Birth of French Heavy Metal 2018 Made in France: studies in popular music 89-104 details   isbn
Abbott, Helen; Ardrey, Caroline ”Mon gosier de métal parle toutes les langues”: Translations and Transformations of Baudelaire in Black Metal Music 2018 Esprit Créateur; Baltimore 58 130-143 details   doi
Allain, Florence Musiques extrêmes, sexe et orientation sexuelle: de 1970 ? nos jours 2018 details   openurl
Almer, Jiří; Ondřej, Daniel “666 XXX”: Sexploitation in Czech and Slovak Black Metal and Porno-Gore Grind 2018 Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in novo antropologijo (Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination, and New Anthropology) XLVI 199-214 details   openurl
Andrew Klein Blood, Frets and Tears 2018 1'15" details   url
Annegg, Florian You can’t say it’s a style. It’s who you are.“ The Significance of Merchandise in the Metal Music Scene 2018 details   openurl
Belén Calvo, Manuela Indigenista perspectives in Argentine metal music 2018 Metal Music Studies 4 155-163 details   doi
Bosselmann-Ruickbie, Antje Heavy Metal Meets Byzantium! Contact Between Scandinavia and Byzantium in the Albums ‘The Varangian Way’ (2007) and ‘Stand Up and Fight’ 2018 Menschen, Bilder, Sprache, Dinge: Wege der Kommunikation zwischen Byzanz und dem Westen 2: Menschen und Worte 391-419 details   url
Brannigan, Paul; Winwood, Ian Nacer, crecer, Metallica, morir 2018 details   isbn
Brown, Andy R. A manifesto for metal studies: Or putting the ‘politics of metal’ in its place 2018 Metal Music Studies 4 343-363 details   doi
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