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Bäumer, Ulrich Wir wollen nur deine Seele: Rockszene und Okkultismus: Daten, Fakten, Hintergründe 1984 details   isbn
Farley, Helen Demons, devils, and witches: the occult in heavy metal music 2009 Heavy metal music in Britain 73-88 details   isbn
Faulkner, Frank Get your kicks on Route 666, or Why the Devil Has All the Best Tunes: Trekking Through the Darker Side of Heavy Metal Music 2009 Something Wicked This Way Comes: Essays on Evil and Human Wickedness. details   doi
Ferris, Ángel; Fontanet, Núria Satán 666 y las huestes del Black Metal 2005 details   isbn
Tandecki, Daniela NACHTSAITEN DER MUSIK. Grauzonen und Braunzonen in der schwarzen Musikszene 2000 details   openurl
Trostle, Lawrence C. Nihilistic Adolescents, Heavy Metal Rock Music, and Paranormal Beliefs 1986 Psychological Reports 59 610 details   openurl
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