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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Bashe, Philip Heavy Metal Thunder: The Music, Its History, Its Heroes 1985 details   isbn
Blanchet, Philippe Heavy metal story: la Bible du Hard Rock 1985 details   isbn
Esteban, Mauris Historia del heavy metal: ”el brazo armado del rock” 1985 details   isbn
Jasper, Tony; Oliver, Derek The international encyclopedia of hard rock & heavy metal 1985 details   isbn
King, Paul Heavy metal: a new religion 1985 Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association 78 754-755 details   openurl
Leggett, Carol The heavy metal bible 1985 details   isbn
Picart, Hervé; Alary, Bertrand; Legrás, Jean-Yves Hard & heavy 1985 details   isbn
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