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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Ayik, Ilgin Pentagram (a.k.a. Mezarkabul): Founders of Turkish heavy metal 2010 The metal void: first gatherings 293-300 details   isbn
Hecker, Pierre Turkish metal: music, meaning, and morality in a Muslim society 2012 details   isbn
Hecker, Pierre Turkish metal: music, meaning, and morality 2012 Reflections in the Metal Void 121-142 details   isbn
Hecker, Pierre Heavy metal in a muslim context: the rise of the Turkish metal underground 2010 The metal void: first gatherings 341-356 details   isbn
Hecter, Pierre; Mattsson, Douglas The Enemy Within: Conceptualizing Turkish Metalheads as the Ideological “Other” 2021 Living Metal: Metal Scenes around the World details   openurl
Mattson, Douglas Att välja blasfemi. Blasfemisk identitet i turkisk svartmetal [Choosing blasphemy. Blasphemous identity in Turkish black metal] 2022 Blasfemi, heresi, kätteri, apostasi 119-131 details   url
Otterbeck, Jonas; nueva, Enlace a. sitio externo Este enlace se abrirá en una ventana; Mattsson, Douglas; Pastene, Orlando “I am Satan!” black metal, Islam and blasphemy in Turkey and Saudi Arabia 2018 Contemporary Islam; Dordrecht 12 267-286 details   doi
Yildirim, Yavuz Heavy metal in Turkey: Tracking the tensions of democratization in the 1990s 2023 Sociology Compass 17 e13122 details   doi
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