Election for ISMMS Executive Board Positions

The positions of Chair and Ordinary Member on the ISMMS Executive Board will become available in January 2022, at the end of the current terms of Dr Bryan Bardine (Chair) and Dr Gabby Riches (Ordinary Member). We seek candidates to stand for each position in an election of the ISMMS membership, to serve four year terms.


The Chair will be responsible for formally representing the Society in activities which further its aims. The Chair shall convene regularly scheduled board meetings, shall preside or arrange for other members of the Executive Board to preside at each meeting in the following order: secretary, treasurer, communications officer, events officer, webmaster.

Ordinary Members are expected to provide input on and actively contribute to the planning of events, conferences, and other ISMMS related activities. The key roles for ordinary board members include attending board meetings, addressing the issues impacting the organization and the field of Metal Music Studies, working collaboratively with board members and members of the metal music studies community, and dedicating their time and effort to the organization’s mission and values.

Election procedure

Candidates for either position must be current Members of ISMMS. New members are welcome to join if they wish to stand for a Board position, and lapsed members are encouraged to rejoin in order to stand for a position or to vote in the election by clicking here. Board members currently in position may stand for election/re-election to either role.

To stand for a position, send a 1 page Statement outlining your aims and what you will bring to the role, and a CV (5 pages max) outlining relevant skills and experience, to the Secretary at owen.coggins@brunel.ac.uk. Candidates may stand for either Chair or Ordinary Member but not both: please state clearly which position you are standing for. Students are welcome to stand. The Statement and CV for each candidate will be made available to members on this website to inform their voting decision (references and personal information such as addresses are not required and should not be included).

We strongly encourage candidates representing historically marginalised and/or excluded communities, including but not limited to people of colour, women, LGBTQI+, disabled people, and those from the Global South. We also ask that members will consider sharing this announcement with individual colleagues, and with relevant networks they’re aware of that may include individuals from these communities. Questions about the roles, election procedure, the Board or the ISMMS can be addressed to the Secretary.


31 Oct 2021: Deadline for candidates to submit Statement (1 page) and CV (5 pages max).

7 Nov 2021: Statements and CVs for all candidates and voting information to be made available on ISMMS website, in a section accessible via member login. Announcement made on ISMMS website and via email to members

30 Nov 2021: Final deadline for voting.

7 Dec 2021: Election results declared on ISMMS website and via email to members.

1 Jan 2022: Four-year term begins for successfully elected candidates.

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