Wanted: New Associate Editor for Metal Music Studies 

Journals aims & scope

This peer-reviewed journal provides a focus for research and theory in metal music studies, a multidisciplinary (and interdisciplinary) subject field that engages with a range of parent disciplines. It provides a platform for high-quality research and theory and aims to be a unique resource for metal music studies. It is the intellectual hub for the International Society of Metal Music Studies.

Associate Editor

Metal Music Studies is seeking a new Associate Editor to work with Niall Scott, the Principal Editor, Nelson Varas-Díaz, the Short articles and Reviews Editor and Nedim Hassan, Associate Editor. The entire editorial team work on a voluntary basis. The journal is published by Intellect, and is the journal of the International Society for Metal Music Studies. All Associate Editors need to be at least at Post-Graduate level. Ideally, they will:

  • Be active in metal music studies;
  • Have editorial experience on a journal;
  • Have experience of developing web content for journals.

It may be possible that these people have acquired their status and experience in a related field to metal music studies. Interested individuals can send a CV and a covering letter by email to the current Principal Editor Dr Niall Scott (NWRScott@uclan.ac.uk) by 30 April, 17:00 BST. If you want to know more, please contact Niall at the same email address.

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