PhD Scholarships: The Leverhulme Amplification Project at the University of Huddersfield, UK

We’re sharing this on behalf of colleagues at the University of Huddersfield. They have announced 12 fully funded 4-year PhD studentships for projects relating to amplification. Among the relevant topics, the call specifically suggests ‘a focus on the role of amplification in rock or metal’ as an indicative topic. The deadline is 25th January 2025, … Read more

CfP: Metal Music Studies Retrospectives

In celebration of the 10th year of Metal Music Studies, we (Ross Hagen and Edward Banchs) are compiling a section of short retrospectives on foundational and important publications for the reviews section. We are aiming for a mix of titles that includes books aimed at general audiences in addition to academic monographs and edited collections. We are … Read more

Call for Contributions: What’s Left of Metal?: A compendium from Revol Press

This call can also be read on Revol Press’ website. Heavy metal and the political left have a complex relationship. Metal is well-known for its “radical toleration” (Berger 1999) of all manner of reactionary practices and beliefs, from casual misogyny to far-right organizing. Yet metal also features a strong current of prescient social criticism, identifiably … Read more

CfP: Between Riffs and Rebellions: Female and Queer Presence in Latin American Heavy Metal

Please see the below call for a special issue of the Chilean journal Contrapulso. They accept papers in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. The call is printed in that order below. Llamado a Contrapulso 6/2 (noviembre 2024) cierre 9 de septiembre 2024 Contrapulsoes una revista semestral de acceso libre publicada por la Universidad Alberto Hurtado de … Read more

Call for Chapters – Breaking the Silence: Minority languages in contemporary music as reclamation, resistance and revitalisation

Lead Editor: Gareth Schott (University of Waikato, NZ)  We invite extended abstract proposals for chapters that explore the significance of songs sung in marginalised or minority languages within contemporary music genres (from indige-punk, metal, hardcore, hip hop, rap, pop and so on). For so many minority cultures, language signifies survival. Language presence in contemporary music … Read more

Call for Expressions of Interest: New Editors for Metal Music Studies

The Editorial Board and Intellect seek expressions of interest for a new Editorial team (Sections 1 and 2) for Metal Music Studies. Aims & Scope This peer-reviewed Journal provides a focus for research and theory in metal music studies, a multidisciplinary (and interdisciplinary) subject field that engages with a range of parent disciplines. It provides … Read more

CfP: Heavy metal on the airwaves symposium

Friday February 2nd 2024, Liverpool John Moores University, School of Humanities and Social Science Historically, heavy rock and metal music seems to have had a somewhat uneasy relationship with rock radio. As Deena Weinstein (2000) notes, during the late 1970s when bands such as AC/DC and Kiss were enjoying substantial success in terms of concert … Read more

Call-for-Chapters for Transatlantic Songs and Music

Call-for-Chapters for an edited volume published by a US-based academic press (TBD):  Transatlantic Songs and Music   Benjamin Hebblethwaite, University of Florida,  Silke Jansen, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nuremburg,   Kevin Meehan, University of Central Florida,  This Call-for-Chapters invites researchers to prepare submissions for our edited book about transatlantic and Atlantic-intersecting songs and music. These pivotal forms of transoceanic cultural … Read more